Use case : If User A access version x of a dashboard via embed url, now other user updates & publishes the same dashboard (which eventually updates dashboard to version y)and generates a new embed url. Will the User A see updated version of the dashboard i.e. Will user A be able to interact with Version x ?
Is there any work-around to retrieve the dashboard embed url specific to a version?
When we publish a new version of the dashboard then the link does not get changed, and all embedded dashboard will reflect updated version.
However if your new version of dashboard is published as a fresh dashboard, then the embed link as well the dashboard link will change.
So to answer, user A will not be able to interact with version x if the dashboard is republished with a newer version.
are you looking to restore version x? Not clear on the ask here, since the embed url will reflect the published version only and one dashboard can have only one published version.
Hi Prantika,
Thanks for the answer
Yes I want the User A to have access to version x of the dashboard , the updated version of the dashboard should not be visible to them .
To clarify further, lets say there is a user who is analyzing the data for month of october on a dashboard, and then the other user wants to analyse it for month of november , so he/she updates and publishes the same dashboard which user A is working on with nov’s data, I want the updated view should not be visible to the first user.
I think it will be challenging to maintain this setup if there are changes in design between both version. If the change is limited to data only (probably by using filter), I do not see much challenge in publishing 2 different dashboards from the same analysis.
Considering one dashboard can have one published version at a time,
So for user A we can publish one dashboard and for user B we will have to publish another dashboard.
Alternatively, if the dataset has both Oct and Nov data and we setup RLS based on who sees current month data and who sees previous month data, the configuration would be dynamic with all upcoming months as well and both user can access the dashboard using the same link.
No , actually the dataset itself will differ.
Yeah , creating separate dashboard for both the user will be the best choice , but won’t we end up creating lot many dashboards.
Let’s say instead of monthly data , we have daily data (based on date) here , and we have many users as well. Then , one dashboard will get created for each date.
I was just thinking around optimising the dashboard creation
Agreed this does not sound as a scalable solution. But the dependent asset (the dataset here) is different. So you will have to create different dashboards.
Is there a way to collate all data in a single dataset along with a flag and then use the same flag to configure RLS? That way you will have single endpoint of the dashboard and maintenance is easy.