Is there a way to format the Numerical Values Visible on Hovering the Map locations

Please Help me with this.

Hello @graphs,

You can customize it from the value itself

If this is not enough, you can always go to the tooltip section, here you can add fields that are not part of the visual if you want to add some custom formatting with, e.g. calculated fields


Hope this helps!

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Hello Graphs,

I guess you could by creating the duplicate of same measure you want to format and add as field under tool tip but may have limited formatting option. I guess directly it may not be possible.

hope this helps.


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Thanks for the reply @andres007 @Deep.Well, that will limit the formatting option, can you put this on urgent request to the development team to put formatting options for the tool tips as well.

Hello @graphs,

At AWS, our roadmap is primarily driven by our customers. Your feedback helps us build a better service. I have tagged this as a feature request, and the response about how to format the tooltip as a solution to your original question.

Kind regards,

Thanks @andres007 . Looking forward to hearing a update on this super soon.