Is there a way to have a bar to highlight filter selections or make selections more visible?


I have applied a filter action on my visuals. However, when applying the filters from a user perspective it’s not really visible what filters you have applied. Is there a way for any of the options?

  1. To have some bar to highlight which filters have applied
  2. Make the filter selections stand out more?
  3. Have a button to clear al filters?

After filter selection applied

I have multiple visuals on the sheet,so if you’re applied the filters on the various filters, it would help if it’s clearer which filters you’ve applied

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Hello @kthanawala , welcome to the QuickSight community!

For the first two parts, I would recommend maybe making a visual that takes on the filter as well. For example, you could create a table visual that shows Region based on your filter choice. I would also recommend not using pastel colours as they won’t stand out as much.

Here is an example I put together that includes a reset button:
Filter action with reset

Here’s a different way of accomplishing this as well from demo-central: