KPI present secondary Value YoY when one year is 0


I need to create a KPI to present the secondary value YoY.

The issue i am facing is when one year is 0, the value on the top disappears and we have only the primary value like that:

Thus my users can’t understand which year is the number 6. What i need is something like that
i don’t want to use multiple visuals to create something like that, i would like one visual with this option

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Hello @Sofia-Bourika !

Do you not get the desired outcome if you change the KPI layout? I was able to achieve something similar to this with some fake data I created:

Hello @Sofia-Bourika !

Were you able to try out the solution I posted above and if so were you able to get the KPI visual to look how you wanted?

Thank you @duncan for your response,
yes i am already using this kind of feature but is not working

Hey @Sofia-Bourika !

How have you set up the visual in the field wells and how is your data structed?

Hello @Sofia-Bourika, since we have not heard back from you, I will archive this question. If you still need assistance with this issue please post a new topic in the community and attach a link to this question. That will ensure you are at the top of the priority list for a response from one of our QuickSight experts. Thank you!