I have above sample data , AttemptId is a concatenation of customer ID ,CreaditCardId , Year and Month. i want to count AttemptId as perfectly test3 shows, sometimes there are duplication in AttemptId which I want to capture them, which mostly is because of month. test 3 is "
toString(concat(toString(countOver({Attempt ID},[{Attempt ID}])),‘th Attampt’))
, which I cannot use it for graph visualization , i created test 4
distinctCountOver({Attempt ID}, [{customerId-Customer},creditCardId,YearExtracted,MonthExtracted], PRE_AGG)
and after selected min for aggregation , I have tried other aggreation as well, none of them worked and the result is not matching with test3, i also tried
countOver({Attempt ID}, [{{Attempt ID}}], PRE_AGG)
if you need a sample data you can use : below copy and past in excel
My bad , yes includes , the scenario is how many times a customer by using a unique credit card in a year in a months try to pay for subscription ,
Your Attempt Id is correct, but the Attempt(s) is not , 4 should be 1,
If you have multiple try in a month like in month 3 , 4 times try
At the end, i use the result code to filter this field
HI @MaryamNajimigoshtasb
as the 3 rows for month 3 as seen as 1 row you see only 1 row without showing resultcode (right table)
if you bring the resultcode into the table (left) you will get a second row.
Hi , I appreciate your time, in your table, I want to see 2 instead of 4, which indicates in March(3) the transaction of this customer was successful, in fact counts as the duplication of attempt ID
Hello @MaryamNajimigoshtasb, do you still need assistance with this issue in QuickSight or were you able to find a solution with the assistance provided? Let me know if you have any further questions on this issue and I can try to guide you towards you expected output. Otherwise, if you were able to find the solution, please let us know what you implemented on your end to complete this. Thank you!
Hello @MaryamNajimigoshtasb, since we have not heard back from you, I will archive this topic. If you need further assistance with this issue, please post a new question in the community and link this topic to provide relevant information. That will ensure you will be at the top of the priority list for a response from one of our QuickSight experts. Thank you!