List of Analysis/Dashboard with full information especially dataset

today i use api call describe-analysis/dashboard to get all information by i missed very important information like - data-sets that connected to dashboard/ analysis - so i do want to tag dashboard manually

  • solutions i looking for :
    dashboard/analysis_name : [all data-set ]
    data-set -[all dashboard/analysis ]
    that are connecting right now

Hi Selam

While calling API in your script you can loop through DatasetArns to list all Dataset present in Analysis or Dashboard.

response = sourceQuickSight.describe_analysis(AwsAccountId = sourceAccountId, AnalysisId= ‘Provide your Analysis ID’)

for dataset in response[‘Analysis’][‘DataSetArns’]:
DArn= dataset
print(DArn) # printing dataset ARN
datasetid = DArn.split(‘:’)[5].split(‘/’)[1] # Get dataset ID from ARN
print(datasetid ) # print Dataset ID

Hope this information helps in your solution.


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Thanks it’s works for me!!

Old question, but for those needing help with this. Here is an example python script that will pull all QuickSight assets and export to CSV file (including the dataset ids used).