Listing and Removing QuickSight Alert

Hi All,

Is there a way to know or list the alerts that have been set up on QuickSight previously, or removing all alerts set up on any dashboards, without having to go into each individual dashboard to check?

Thank you.

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Hi @StevenLuck - First of all Welcome o AWS QuickSight community. I am not sure whether such features are available to list all alerts. Its a manual process for check, add and remove alerts. This can be added a feature request.

Tagging QuickSight experts to provide their feedback as well.
@Max @thomask @Thomas @Bhasi_Mehta @Tatyana_Yakushev @Kristin @David_Wong @Biswajit_1993

Regards - San



the API does not provide an alert endpoint and I am not aware of an option in the Quicksight frontend to list all alerts from all dashboards.

I’m afraid you’ll have to look this up manually in all dashboards.



Thanks, @Sanjeeb2022 & @thomask,

We are working in a team, and some of us might have tried out the alert function and did not remove it. It is now charging us monthly. It is very challenging to look through all the dashboards and data sets one by one, to find out which dashboard has been set up for alert.
Would be good if this can be added as a feature.

Thanks again for the inputs.


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Hi all. Thanks so much for your feedback. I have tagged this as feature requests.