localStorage Error in Browser Console when embedding Q search bar

I am getting the following in the browser console:

application.b209ba831e26b6d4.42.js:2 Error: localStorage is not available
at LocalStorageClient.get (570.bundle.d2ff4fada3be490e.5.js:2:57699)
at 854.bundle.a72a6ad16ac2444f.5.js:2:768699
at hs (application.b209ba831e26b6d4.42.js:2:2733971)
at Rl (application.b209ba831e26b6d4.42.js:2:2754118)
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (application.b209ba831e26b6d4.42.js:2:2920809)
at qo (application.b209ba831e26b6d4.42.js:2:2695194)
at Pl (application.b209ba831e26b6d4.42.js:2:2753855)
at ml (application.b209ba831e26b6d4.42.js:2:2744600)
at application.b209ba831e26b6d4.42.js:2:2695485
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (application.b209ba831e26b6d4.42.js:2:2920809)
const container = document.getElementById(containerId);

const options = {
  width: '100%',
  locale: 'en-US',
  className: 'fixed-height',
  qSearchBarOptions: {
    expandCallback: onExpand,
    collapseCallback: onCollapse,
    iconDisabled: true,
    topicNameDisabled: false,
    allowTopicSelection: false,

const qBar = QuickSightEmbedding.embedQSearchBar(options);
return quicksight_client.generate_embed_url_for_registered_user(
        "QSearchBar": {"InitialTopicId": topic_id}

We have integrated a Q search bar into our website. The Q search bar URL is generated successfully in our Lambda function, but when it is inserted into our website, it triggers the error message mentioned above.

Additional Details:

  • We have tested both v1 and v2 of the library.
  • It was working before but suddenly it isn’t anymore, but dashboard embedding works fine.

Expected Behavior:

  • The Q search bar URL should work without any localStorage errors when embedded in our website.

Please investigate and provide guidance on resolving this issue.

Thank you for your assistance.

While I don’t get the same error message, my q search bar embed url only loads a blank page since yesterday. It was working fine last week, but now it shows a blank space even though dashboard embedding works just fine.

This has been fixed; you can try it in our demo central as well: https://democentral.learnquicksight.online/#Dashboard-AskQ-Q-SaaS-Sales

Did you manage to find a solution for this? I’m still encountering a blank page. Upon inspecting and testing the URL, I encountered an error in one of the network requests.

    "level": "WARN",
    "text": "Could not find string for this key: CONNECTION_TYPES_GOOGLESHEETS",
    "appType": "EMBEDDING",
    "pageType": "Merlin"
    "level": "WARN",
    "text": "The Application Pluging Runtime has not been fully defined and is not yet ready for use.",
    "appType": "EMBEDDING",
    "pageType": "Merlin"
    "level": "WARN",
    "text": "NavigationUrlHelper: Page Type not found for /embedding/c6eda9e75a004418b0463c86d48a3888/q/search/vQwebMhIqr97aY0qr6txB7rKbQYBHFSp. Please add corresponding page type",
    "appType": "EMBEDDING",
    "pageType": "Merlin"
    "level": "ERROR",
    "text": "Unable to access local storage in embedded page",
    "appType": "EMBEDDING",
    "pageType": "Unknown"

Hello Marc, my issue was because there was a general problem with Quicksight for everyone. I didn’t have the error messages you are seeing. I would suggest creating a new thread to bring this to the attention of Quicksight experts