Manifest file


I have 2 questions related to new data source in S3 folder - which is the inventory report of another S3 bucket.
The inventory report produces csv files on a daily basis containing the full content of the S3 bucket.
So the folder has many csv files - one per each day.

my questions would be:

  1. what should be the manifest file?
  2. Is there a way to make sure that each day the data set in quicksight reflects the latest file from folder?
  • This is the manifest file I tried and got a very generic error message with no details:

“fileLocations”: [
“URIPrefixes”: [
“globalUploadSettings”: {
“format”: “CSV”,
“delimiter”: “,”,
“textqualifier”: “”,
“containsHeader”: “false”

Hi @Annab,

Thank you for posting.

  1. Documentation and guidiance how you can create a manifest file for objects in your Amazon S3 bucket can be found here here. If you encounter any errors, kindly review the documentation here.

  2. Your second question is not possible based on your current setup. Please review the post from my colleague here that can help address this.
