Merging dataset using calculated field

I have a dataset with a text field like " XXXXXXX yy ZZZ OD1233456"
I cretated a calculated field to read the last part of the string.
I want then to use this created field to do a join with another dataset but I can not see the created field in the option. I created in edit dataset not in any analysis.
is this possible?
thank you

Hello @remba87 Hope this message finds you well.

My suggestion for you is, to resolve the issue of not being able to see the calculated field in the join options, consider performing the join operation before the data is imported into the dataset. You can preprocess the data externally by extracting the necessary part of the string and joining it with the other dataset. This way, when you import the data into your analysis tool, it is already prepared, ensuring all necessary fields are available for your analysis without relying on calculated fields within the dataset editor.

Hope this help you!


Hi @remba87

Interestingly if you are joining dataset A and dataset B and you are doing this in the Edit Dataset of dataset A then, calculated fields in dataset A are not available for join; however calculated fields from dataset B are avaialble for join.

Based on the behavior my assumption is that when you access the dataset B from outside then all the calculations have been performed and your working on the final result; so the calulated field is already in the result form. However, in dataset A since it will be creating that dynamically there probably are some constraints to allow you to perform the join.

So, if are familiar with SQL you can handle the creation of your calculated field in SQL and that will help you deal with the join easily.

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ok, this is smart, I did not know.
and yes it should work!
I solved in another way, in the source data, but this fact is interesting.
I will keep in mind for the future
thank you!