i try to compare the current one with the previous one, but there’s always a mismacthed aggregation error
It appears PreviousBroker is a calculated field from the screenshot and may be what causes this error to appear.
Please review this article from @David_Wong which talks about Level Aware calulations and hopefully you may find the reason for your issue and an answer to how it could be resolved.
If you continue to face issues please provide a bit more detailed information about your dataset, calculated fields in order for us to review and comment.
Hi, Thanks for replying.
The previousbroker is derived from the lag() function to find out the previous broker for that building. What I tried to do here is to find out at which year which building had switched there broker, but it does not allow me to compare the current one with the previous one due to mismatched aggregation
Hi @rebecca000827,
It’s been awhile since last communication took place on this thread; are you still encountering issues or were you able to find a work around for your case?
If still looking for further assistance, could you share the full calculated fields for ‘PreviousBroker’ and ‘InsuranceBroker’?