"Missing Required Parameter" when importing analysis / tooltip issue?

Hello. We are currently exporting and importing datasets and analyses to another account.

When we import the analysis (in JSON format and using AWS CLI), we are getting this error:

Missing required parameter in Definition.Sheets[1].Visuals[7].PieChartVisual.ChartConfiguration.Tooltip.FieldBasedTooltip.TooltipFields[2].FieldTooltipItem: “FieldId”

Missing required parameter in Definition.Sheets[2].Visuals[1].TreeMapVisual.ChartConfiguration.Tooltip.FieldBasedTooltip.TooltipFields[3].FieldTooltipItem: “FieldId”

Something to do with the tooltip? When we disable the tooltips in the charts - the error was gone.

How can we fix this and still have the tooltips? Thanks! :slight_smile:

hi @sabmz

thank you for your inquiry in QuickSight Community!

The tooltip should have FieldId provided in JSON under TookipFileds key, when it is enabled to use the field(column) in GUI. Would you be able to check in the JSON if there is fieldID is provided when the JSON file was generated?

the below is example from one of the visual which has tooltip enabled.

‘TooltipFields’: [{‘FieldTooltipItem’: {‘FieldId’: '9b1d1aab-d3b6-4492-a81b-f13819345939.Industry.2.1677216761417’, ‘Visibility’: ‘VISIBLE’}},

kind regards,

1 Like

Hi @Wakana.

Yes, it seems like field ID was generated, here is a snippet:

                                            "ApplyTo": {

                                                "FieldId": "3a2bddb2-17ad-3535-b078-1723ddec487f-923cb902-3e79-4040-8f70-8d6605785acf.test_description.2.1684


                                                "Column": {

                                                    "DataSetIdentifier": "test",

                                                    "ColumnName": "test_description"






                                "ColorScale": {

                                    "Colors": [


                                            "Color": "#EEEEEE"



                                            "Color": "#A7DBE2"




                                    "ColorFillType": "GRADIENT"


                                "Legend": {

                                    "Visibility": "HIDDEN"


                                "DataLabels": {

                                    "Visibility": "VISIBLE",

                                    "Overlap": "DISABLE_OVERLAP"


                                "Tooltip": {

                                    "TooltipVisibility": "VISIBLE",

                                    "SelectedTooltipType": "BASIC",

                                    "FieldBasedTooltip": {

                                        "AggregationVisibility": "HIDDEN",

                                        "TooltipTitleType": "PRIMARY_VALUE",

                                        "TooltipFields": [


                                                "FieldTooltipItem": {

                                                    "FieldId": "61212aa1-238f-48ac-976a-ac1449e7d796.Test.1.1684164562068",

                                                    "Visibility": "VISIBLE"




                                                "FieldTooltipItem": {

                                                    "FieldId": "3a2bddb2-17ad-3535-b078-1723ddec487f-923cb902-3e79-4040-8f70-8d6605785acf.test_description.0.1684164562068",

                                                    "Visibility": "VISIBLE"




                                                "FieldTooltipItem": {

                                                    "FieldId": "3a2bddb2-17ad-3535-b078-1723ddec487f-923cb902-3e79-4040-8f70-8d6605785acf.test_description.0.1684164562068",

                                                    "Visibility": "VISIBLE"```

hi @sabmz,

Thank you for your reply with snippet. it is helpful. from the snippet, it seems that the 2nd FieldTooktipItem’s fieldId and the 3rd one are the same ? is it true from the UI configuration?

kind regards,

Hi @Wakana - how can we check the fieldID from the UI configuration? Thank you.

hi @sabmz,

I don’t think fieldID is provided in UI but I believe that the fieldID include the name you configured for tooltip.

from your snippet, the 2nd and the 3rd one have ‘test_description’ as the names. is it true from your tooltip in UI ?

“FieldId”: “3a2bddb2-17ad-3535-b078-1723ddec487f-923cb902-3e79-4040-8f70-8d6605785acf.test_description.0.1684164562068”

kind regards,

Hi @Wakana , yes the name is the same for the ones with same field ID (3a2bddb2-xxxx).

hi @sabmz

it appears to be an issue when there are the same field configured in tooltip and trying it to import via CLI.
I would recommend filing a case with AWS Support where we can dive into the details so that we can help you further. Here are the steps to open a support case. If your company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account. They should be able to open an AWS Support case on your behalf. Hope this helps.

kind regards,