Month and Year Picker in Filter

Hi There

Is there any way to filter data by passing only Year + StartMonth + End Month?

I need to get data in a specific range of months, the user will use a control to the first and last month to be filtered, I was not able to see how to filter data with month ranges in QuickSight.



you can create the calculation field base on you date with formate of month-year.
add filter on it and use rolling date option as given below in image


Hope this work for you.

Naveed Ali

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Hi @Naveed , Thanks to help me on that question.
Could you please show me how to create this calculated field?
I’m trying to create it with parseDate but it does not allow me to filter the data by range.

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I’m using this calculated field to create the YYYY-MM

parseDate(concat(toString({year_number}), '-', toString({month_number})) , 'yyyy-MM')


this should work


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