Multi-measure bar chart using the count of two date fields


Here’s a snippet of the data we have, which is joined on a unique identifier that is present in both tables. We want to visualise the occurrences of the dates within a given month on a single visual.

uuid, create_date, activation_date
0001, 20240101, 20240201
0002, 20240102, 20240119
0003, 20240115, 20240124
0004, 20240121, 20240202
0005, 20240202, 20240202

So for the bar chart.
Jan would have two bars, one with 4 and a second with 2
Feb would have two bars, one with 1 and a second with 3

I can easily create a bar chart that uses “create_date” in the x-axis and then count by the month. And then do the same for “activation_date” on a seperate visual. Is there a way I can have both those counted as bars on the same visual?


Hello Alex,

Welcome to the QS community !

Well, you would need to have single date field in the x-axis.
you would need to fix the date at the source level like joining the date field such as union to capture all the data points. if there are any duplicates that may arise, you could filter out at visual levels.

hope this helps.