Multi-select dropdown filter based on multiple boolean columns

I have a dataset with multiple boolean columns that relates to the same business area:

  • package_sent (true/false)
  • package_prepared (true/false)
  • package_ordered (true/false)
  • package_returned (true/false)

Sample record:

|id|...| package_sent |package_prepared|package_ordered|package_returned|
|1 |...|          true|           false|           true|            true|
|2 |...|         false|           false|           true|           false|

Is there a way to create a multi-select dropdown filter that would enable user to choose any combination of matching prerequisites, eg:

package_sent [ ]
package_prepared [x]
package_ordered [x]
package_returned [ ]

In such case the resulting filtering logic should be

where package_prepared = true and package_ordered = true

Hi @najczuk
you would like to have ONE dropdown to filter e.g. package_prepared = true AND package_ordered = true?

Hi @ErikG ,
Not really, the sample query in my original post related to the specific checkboxes marked, could be different depending on which options would be checked.

I’d like to have one dropdown with N options from wich the user could choose whatever combination they are interested in. Creating N dropdowns is not an option because I have more than 4 boolean columns.

Sample record (also updated the original question with this sample):

|id|...| package_sent |package_prepared|package_ordered|package_returned|
|1 |...|          true|           false|           true|            true|
|2 |...|         false|           false|           true|           false|

Hi @najczuk

i guess you would need a calculated field where you check all cases.


package_sent="true" AND package_prepared="true" AND package_ordered="true" AND package_returned="true","tttt"
package_sent="true" AND package_prepared="true" AND package_ordered="true" AND package_returned="false","tttf"
package_sent="true" AND package_prepared="true" AND package_ordered="false" AND package_returned="false","ttff"

Then you can create a filter for that field.