Multi-Session Support breaks QuickSight E-Mailed Links since Jan 16, 2025

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

After I turned on multi-session support in the AWS console for our account after Jan 16th [1], the emailed “VIEW DASHBOARD” button from QuickSight automated scheduled emails [2] stop working and give an error.

Amazon Web Services Sign In
There was a problem with your session. To start a new session, click the link provided by your administrator: To logout, click here

As soon as turn off multi-session support in the AWS console, the emailed links from QuickSight resume working and there is no error.

I’m working to get a support ticket open, and wanted to check with the community.
The problem is for our entire company, not just for me. We use SAML [3] to authenticate our QuickSight users and it has worked great for several years, but is broken when multi-session console support is turned on.

[1] - multi-session support: The AWS Management Console now supports simultaneous sign-in for multiple AWS accounts - AWS
[2] - scheduled emails with the VIEW DASHBOARD button: Scheduling and sending QuickSight reports by email - Amazon QuickSight
[3] - saml setup: Using external identity federation and single sign-on with Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight

Hi @ceturc,
This definitely seems a bit odd, I agree that this may be a bug but have not encountered this error personally. Let us know if you receive any valuable information regarding this case through the support ticket.

Thank you!

Hi @ceturc,
Following up here to see if you received further assistance through the support ticket. If you received any valuable information that helped with your case, feel free to share here for the community.

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.

Thank you!

Hi @ceturc,
Since we have not heard back, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic. However, if you have any additional questions or receive further assistance, feel free to create a new post in the community and link this discussion for relevant information if needed.

Thank you!