Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
After I turned on multi-session support in the AWS console for our account after Jan 16th [1], the emailed “VIEW DASHBOARD” button from QuickSight automated scheduled emails [2] stop working and give an error.
Amazon Web Services Sign In
There was a problem with your session. To start a new session, click the link provided by your administrator: To logout, click here
As soon as turn off multi-session support in the AWS console, the emailed links from QuickSight resume working and there is no error.
I’m working to get a support ticket open, and wanted to check with the community.
The problem is for our entire company, not just for me. We use SAML [3] to authenticate our QuickSight users and it has worked great for several years, but is broken when multi-session console support is turned on.
[1] - multi-session support: The AWS Management Console now supports simultaneous sign-in for multiple AWS accounts - AWS
[2] - scheduled emails with the VIEW DASHBOARD button: Scheduling and sending QuickSight reports by email - Amazon QuickSight
[3] - saml setup: Using external identity federation and single sign-on with Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight