Multi-Tenant Analysis/Dashboard with optional dataset

Hey all,

I am working currently on a multi-tenant reporting. One of the challanges I am facing that the solutions should be generic for all users but due to different functionality based on used features some dataset will be options. E.g. Tenant A has dataset 1 and dataset 2 but Tenant B only has dataset 1.

Is there a way to make the analysis dynamic depending on the available datasets. using one analysis per dataset is not practical since user does not like to navigate between different dashboards.

One thought which I had was to use the template definition to have the different possible combinations separated per sheet but I am not sure if I can pull multiple sheets from different analysis’s into one template. TemplateVersionDefinition - Amazon QuickSight

Looking forward for your comments and suggestions.

Cheers Tobias

hi @tb102122,

thank you for your inquiry.

I am having difficulties to understand what requirement it is for analysis with dataset. how would you like to make analysis dynamic based on available datasets? One analysis can have multiple datasets, just that one visual per dataset. also template does not have concept of sheets. so you can’t have combinations per sheet.

kind regards,

Hey @Wakana,
sorry if my explanation was not clear enough.
The idea would be the following prepare the followong

  • analysis A which contains all visuals/sheets and the dataset based on feature A.
  • analysis B which contains all visuals/sheets and the dataset based on feature B.

So if a customer is using feature A & B than we create a dashboard from analysis A&B.
For a customer using only feature A the dashboard will only contain the analysis A.

If sheets are not supported how should I use the element sheets from the above link: TemplateVersionDefinition - Amazon QuickSight

An array of sheet definitions for a template.
Type: Array of SheetDefinition objects
Array Members: Maximum number of 20 items.
Required: No

Thanks for your help.

hi @tb102122

thank you for the detailed explanation.

yes, so we have new API released late last year which can export all the visual information via JSON. so using describe-analysis-defition or describe-dashboard-defition API, you will have ‘Definition’ which contains all the visual information including sheets. you can use this when creating analysis/dashbaord. for the same concept, Template has the Definition parameter as well to be able to specify visual information in creating a template and in managing a template.

I think you can use this JSON definition to create analysis or dashboaord directly (or through Template) depending on your customer’s requirement. the blog for this new API is here : New Amazon QuickSight API Capabilities to Accelerate Your BI Transformation | AWS News Blog

hope this helps.

kind regards,

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Looks like it will work I will get back if I have some more questions.
Thanks for your help!

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