I had recently created a tableau report which had data from multiple tables and used its “relationship” feature to be able to link the data at time line level and create calculated fields. This functionality is missing in QuickSight, and having to create multiple cross joins with the given list of data sets is not showing up the right numbers in the visual. Is there any work around for this? Or is it suggested to have multiple datasets created on QS where each dataset will focus on 1 level of calculation? Thanks.
Hi Gauri, are you able to explain your use case with an example?
At the moment QuickSight does not provide the “relationship” feature (which Tableau has added in the last 2 years, if I remember correctly). At the moment you would need to define multiple datasets with different joins, depending on the data used in different visuals.
We have discussed providing similar functionality in QuickSight.
Hi all.
To try revive this thread, we are finding huge limitations in the complexity of analysis Quicksight can manage vs tools like PowerBi/Tableau with the sole use of joins between datasets (vs relationships in those other BI solutions).
To map together multiple data types, and analyse across multiple variables, we end up with exponential growth of the final data table with hundreds/thousands of duplications.
While the use of Aware Level calculations (covered in a recent training video provided by AWS quicksight team) fills some of the functionality gap, it needs constant checking & pretty advanced calculations to ensure the right results are being reported.
I’m sure all the AI features being added for insights is great, but if we have to constantly battle this constraint with complex work-arounds or simplify the data/analysis needs, then we’ll never end up leveraging them (and will ultimately need to move back to those other solutions).
Would someone mind letting me know if adding this functionality did make it to the planned roadmap for Quicksight, and if so what is the expected timeline?
Very happy to provide examples (in private) if useful to clarify further.
Thanks & hopefully this is useful feedback.
I am also having this issue with just a simple join I am getting lots of duplications…
Is there a plan to add this feature? Power BI also does this “relationship” across multiple data sets and allows you to define a one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many relationship. The key use for myself has been to plot dates from multiple data-sets onto a common timeline. Currently Quicksight fails to give accurate plots since it will force you to plot on one of the fields axis and has no way to make a common axis, resulting in missed data since the date I open and date I close tickets are not on the same date. It results in wildly inaccurate totals and plots.
In PowerBI I have solved this by creating a sheet with a new column that has every date in a row for the next 10 years. I then relate both my date open and my date closed to this common date column, and now I can plot both of them on the same axis which results in proper data
Previous user of Zoho Analytics, came here looking for this. It’s sorely missing.
This would be a great feature.
I was trying to do something like this to use a control on a dashboard with a CSV and a Custom SQL that share a column.
Thanks for your time.
Reviving this thread! Can you please confirm when will this relationship feature be available on QS ?
pushing the feature.
We are facing the same issue on our Tableau migration projects.
Any updates on getting this feature added?
Need this feature as well. Currently migrating all our dashboards from Tableau and it’s frustrating having to deal with the duplicates
Highly need feature, 1-M + M-M relationships.
Another vote from me for this feature request!
My vote as well for this feature request. Highly needed.
Another vote to push this feature forward. Currently a major differentiation for other BI tools against QS
Any update on the requested relationship feature? We are about to start with a tableau dashboards migration project and one of the dashboard we have been walked through has a relationship created and we will have to replicate that so the feature is very much needed or i think the migration would be a big fail. Kindly update on it if anyone has any update, thank you.
Former Power BI user bumping this request. Please forgo any other enhancement and prioritize this. This is by far the biggest limitation/headache in going from PBI to QuickSight.