My team is tring to visualize pulse survey(CSAT) results using quicksigh to indetify most attened evenets, most atteneding customers industry vertical and speakers with highs CSAT score

My team is trying to visualize pulse survey(CSAT) results using Amazon QuickSight to identify most attended events, most attending customer’s industry vertical and top speaker based on CSAT score. The survey results are now stored in Amazon Workdocs and future survey results planned to be included/updated automatically. Any roadmap, resource or guidance is appreciated.

Hello @Felegush_Assefa , welcome to the Quicksight community!

For Quicksight you will need to either have the data stored in a structed database or you can upload it as a file like a CSV. To double down on that, I would recommend making sure that your data is stored in a table format.

There is a way to send your Amazon worddocs to S3 which is a supported datasource for Quicksight:

Hello @Felegush_Assefa !

Were you able to look into the service that I mentioned above?