Navigation Action Error


I have a dashboard with multiple pages, and the first page is a summary of the more granular details of the following pages. So I had navigation actions set up between them along with parameters. But I am facing this strange error- When I navigate to a target page and then return back to the source page, I get this syntax error:

The dimension parameter that I had passed with the action is also available as a control on the top of the source page. If I reset it, the problem is fixed, but could I get some assistance on why the error comes up? This never shows up on the target page, it only occurs when I return to the source page.

These are the error details:

Hi @vkedia,
Are you just receiving that error on one visual of your source page or all visuals? It’s tough to say with certainty what the exact issue might be without being able to interact with it, but is it possible that there’s an extra filter setup on the source page visual that should only be attached to other visuals? That may be reacting to your navigation action and causing the syntax error.

If able to, it may be helpful to upload a copy of your analysis with sample data to Arena view so that we can see the behavior when attempting to navigate.

Thank you!

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Yes, its as you said, I found that the error is occuring on ever visual of the source page which has the same dimension as a filter, like the example mentions Activity Type. In the source page, all visuals affected by the Activity Type filter were showing this error. For now we have eliminated any filters on the source page and its perfectly fine. But I still don’t know why this error was showing up.

Hi @vkedia,
That is a bit odd; was that the only filter set up on the source page visuals?
When an error message mentions something about a syntax error, it normally has something to do with a field in use that may not function with an operation that’s taking place. So if all of the visuals on the source page are receiving that error, is there one field that’s constant in all of them?

No there were other filters, but only those visuals which actually have that filter had this problem. Like any visual which didn’t have this ‘Activity Type’ filter had no problem. Doesn’t matter if the visual actually had the field or not. And all visuals were different too, no other common denominator.

And its only occurring when I use navigation actions and pass the parameters. Simply moving from one page to another doesn’t give any problems

Hi @vkedia,
Would you be able to upload your analysis with sample data to Arena view so that we could see the error occurring more in depth and try to assist with a solution?

Thank you!

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Hi @vkedia,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you so wanted to check back in to see if you have any additional questions?

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic.

Thank you!

Hi, apologies, we are still facing that problem, right now we simply removed filters from the source page, but I’ll try to get this into Arena as soon as possible. But it may take some time, so perhaps we can close this for now. Thank you so much!

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Hi @vkedia,
No problem at all, I’ll close for now. But when ready, feel free to create a new post in the community and link this discussion for relevant information.

Thank you!