Need to Apply RLS to Multi level managers

I am currently facing challenge with implementing RLS for Multi level managers. Background: my data have multi level managers like third level managers (senior management) → second level manager (management)-> first level manager(manager)->account managers ->accounts.
this dashboard should be accessible to all the users meaning for all level managers
need four level access like below use cases

  1. the third line manager should view all second line managers mapped to them and all the first line managers mapped to the second line managers and all the account managers mapped to the first line managers and account managers with their individual access to their accounts
  2. similarly the second line manager should view all the first line managers mapped to them and and all the account managers mapped to the first line managers and account managers with their individual access to their accounts
  3. the First line managers should access all the account managers mapped to them and account managers with their individual access to their accounts
    4)Account managers with their individual access to their accounts

Also for each account manager there are 200 -300 accounts mapped in the data. Do we need to add all the accounts in the rls mapping file ? or the user manager mapping will automatically restrict the account data?


Hello Madhu,

To be frank, i am not very sure if you need to add all those accounts as i have not tried it myself.
I would recommend to try it out with some dummy data to find out if it works or not.

you may refer this post for reference -Implement row-level security using a complete LDAP hierarchical organization structure in Amazon QuickSight | AWS Big Data Blog

Hope this helps.


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