Northern Ireland Map & Tooltips for more visuals

Hi QuickSight Team,
I have encountered an issue with the map visual where Northern Ireland is incorrectly mapped (see picture below).
Additionally, we would greatly appreciate it if you could add tooltips for more visuals such as tables and KPI visuals.

Best regards

Hi @trisiOO and welcome to the QuickSight community!
How do you have the field setup in your dataset? What type of geospatial field did you set it as?
This error could be stemming from Northern Ireland being a part of the United Kingdom, which is the overall option used in the ‘Country’ geospatial type.

Being that this is a unique case for that reason, I would consider creating a support ticket to see if the support team can assist in fixing this for you! I’ve also included some additional documentation on troubleshooting geospatial errors.

Hi @trisiOO,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you, did you have any additional questions regarding your initial post?

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.

Thank you!

Hi @Brett ,

Thank you for your quick response!

It’s the “country” geospatial field. The United Kingdom as a field is mapped correctly. Therefore, it would be nice for Northern Ireland to be shown in that area at least as well.

Furthermore, we already submitted this as a support ticket in November, I believe, but unfortunately haven’t heard back since.

Additionally, would it be possible to mark the tooltips for more chart types as a feature request?

Hi @trisiOO,
Agreed that it Northern Ireland should be shown in that area as well, I’ll mark as a feature request!

In regards to the tooltips for more chart types, could you elaborate a bit more on what you’re looking for?

Hi Brett,

Thank you!

We often lack documentation in our dashboards. To address this, we have found tooltips to be very useful.

We would appreciate the option to hover over tables and KPI visuals and see the calculation of the specific KPI. Essentially, we would like tooltips for these elements, similar to those that already exist for other visuals such as bar charts.

I hope this helps!
Best regards

Hi @trisiOO,
Thank you for the clarification on type of visuals for the added tool tip feature. I’ll mark this as a feature request to promote visibility to the support team.