Number formatting with Highcharts

Is it possible to format numbers with a comma thousands separator? I’ve run into this with my project but it’s also obvious in Highcharts samples in DemoCentral. See the “High density KPIs” demo for an example - "format": "{point.value:,.2f}" should result in a comma for thousands separator but it rendered with a space separator.

I’ve reviewed previous related questions but the workarounds either don’t apply in all cases or don’t seem to fix the problem.

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Hello @tp_timothy

After a lot testing on my end I’m pretty sure this is a bug of some kind. I would recommend creating an AWS support ticket.

Here are the steps to open a support case. If your company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account. They should be able to open an AWS Support case on your behalf.

Thanks @duncan! That’s how it looked to me as well. I wasn’t sure how to proceed with opening a ticket, so this is helpful.

You could try to create a string columns with a formatted value in your SQL query or using a calculated field (actually not a good idea How to keep comma separator after using tostring() function? ). So you will use something like this: “format”: “{point.myFormattedValueWithComma}”. But it will work for you if you do not aggregate data in your visual.

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Thanks @Hrolol, you nailed the problem with this approach (at least in our case). We are doing aggregations within the visual so pre-formatting in SQL isn’t really an option.