Options to hide or show tabs

Hello all
we are a multi-tenant SAAS app embedding Quicksight.

Are there any options to hide or show TABS without having to manage a URL per tenant (“tier”). A hide /show property based on a variable seems a useful feature for SAAS systems.

Hi @scottEh
so far i’m not aware of such a function.
Are you using embedding?

anonymous embedded with RLS tags per tenant

Hello @scottEh, when you say tabs, are you wanting to hide or show sheets for specific dashboards depending on the user? Also, are you trying to embed specific dashboards or are you embedding the full console view?

I suppose there could be a way where you link users to specific sheets of the dashboards and then embed individual sheets as a dashboard and set up a way for the user to click through the sheets on the front end of your application. The best scenario though would be to set dashboards for each user group and pass out permissions that way using group names and implementing RLS on the datasets. For the option I suggested, I’ll send some information below:

 sheetOptions: {
                        initialSheetId: '<YOUR_SHEETID>',
                        singleSheet: false,                        
                        emitSizeChangedEventOnSheetChange: false,

I’ll mark my answer as the solution for now. If you still need assistance with this topic, please post a new question in the community and provide the link to this topic. That will ensure you are at the top of the priority list for a response from one of our QuickSight experts. Thank you!