Page Navigation

Hi Community , Is there any where we can use navigation on a text in quicksight?
Attaching the image for your reference


Hi @Vysh27
please check the title options.



Thanks @ErikG , got it

Also a follow up question , When I click on a control option a few filters open up and I select some of them
when I change the control option the filters that have been selected are not getting deselected
It looks like a glitch

How do I deselect it?

You can/must reset the filter.
But i think there are already similar topics.

But resetting the filters everytime you change the control wouldn’t be an efficient solution right

Can you share the links of the similar topics

Hello @Vysh27 !

Was @ErikG 's suggestion helpful and if so could you mark their comment as a solution to help the community?

We have not heard from you in some time but would still like to help find a solution. If we do not hear from you in the next 3 business days this post will be archived.