Hi, I want to send the paginated report (pdf) via email as an attachment (20-30 emails acs ) without sharing the DashBoard. Is it possible to send without sharing the Dashboard? The users don’t need to see the Dashboard just they need the pdf file as an attachment.
Hello Snarayanan,
Thanks for reaching out.
After going through the below documentation,
[1]. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/sending-reports.html
based on the conditions to share the paginated reports the users have to be the part of the Amazon QuickSight subscription and already shared the dashboard with them and have completed the sign-up process. Hence, you need to share the dashboard with the users.
A possible workaround to your use case can be to share the report with any one registered user, and then using mail automation forward that mail to any number of listed mails from the mail client. Ex: PowerAutomation in Microsoft Office 365.
Hi there, why is it necessary to share the dashboard in scheduled email? If I include the sheet in the body of the email it has all the information they need. The link that says “View Dashboard” should be an option in scheduling an email as well. Can this be something you can look into to add?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Natalie,
Thanks for reaching out.
Sending the paginated report via email without sharing the dashboard with users is currently not possible in QuickSight. This is a use case that has been requested.
At AWS, our roadmap is primarily driven by our customers. Your feedback helps us build a better service. I have tagged this as a feature request.