Paginated Report for any Reporting framework or Template Report

As of now we can create the report with whatever we want and publish it!
In my scenario I want the to have a “Template Report (I mean to say like, a Form that we fill in with our details)”.

I want to create a “Template Report” where I will have fixed set of sections, charts, styling and everything in Place. I dont want the user to edit the sections and font style etc, I just want them to enter the details like “fill in the blanks”
Whenever I get a new Tenant I want to create a new report from the “Template Report” that is already there.

Do we have feature to achieve this with QuickSight?

Hi @kodimalar.sakthivel
While dynamic parameters can feed values unique to the user at the time of report generation, capturing, validating and storing the input from the customer may be difficult using QuickSight. you may probably want to use a web form to do that part. At most, you can bring that form into QuickSight as custom visual.


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Hi @n_vetri ,

Thank you for your response! In case of web form the whole form will be loaded as custom visual in the report!
Is there any way I can open the paginated report as PDF in my web application?