Paginated Reports - distribution and other questions

Hi all,

I’m currently doing some research on Paginated reports and I need some quite detailed information.

One of the key use cases I need to solve for is distribution. I have a number of customers which I need to distribute reports to. They are external to my organisation and they are separate customers, so I need to make sure reports are secure (perhaps row level?) and able to be distributed in an automated fashion.

So, I guess as basic question would be if i had 10 customers, would I need 10 different reports to be built for each customer? Or could I create one template, that would then generate a report for each separate customer (i.e. I just create and maintain one report).

Also - how would I distribute these to each customer? They wont have access to the dashboard and will only be receivers of the report itself.

Can someone point me to any documentation which gives me this detail? I have had a look around, but i can seem to find the detail that I need.

Finally - is someone able to point me to an example of PR’s in the Demo central? I understand there is one there, but I have been unable to locate it.


I believe this is the PR in the demo central.

In regards to your different reports you should be able to use RLS to limit data per customer. You would only create one report and then attach RLS to the dataset to limit the information all customers would see.

In regards to sending them out, they need to be quicksight users. Here is more information on it.

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Hi @QSCommUser
Based on your question, we assume that your external customers are not subscribed to QuickSight and not part of the User Groups/Users.
With the above assumption, you will have to either create different reports for each customer with their relevant data which is not a scalable option, so the better approach would be to create “Anonymous Authentication with embedding” in QuickSight and use tag based row level security approach to identify the data per customer.

Please refer the details in the below link:

The other workaround (which is not a very clean option) is to create email subscription to an internal QuickSight user and use Outlook tools (with rules) to create a forward workflow and deliver the emails accordingly.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.


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