Paginated reports email scheduling RLS

Hi Team,

I have designed a Paginated report and implemented Row-Level Security (RLS) to ensure that each director can access only their team’s data. After applying RLS, I published the dashboard and scheduled a report to be shared with all users via email in PDF format. However, I’m getting an email with PDF file but directors not. What might be the cause of this issue?


Hi @hellosai321

Could you please check all the recipients/directors are having access to view dashboard either by directly or through groups. Currently if the users are getting dashboard access through shared folders cannot receive the scheduled email reports.


Hi @apjvinod ,

I understand that when I share the report manually, recipients are able to access it, but this doesn’t seem to be the case when it’s in the shared folder. If I create a reader group for all directors, will they receive emails containing the PDF?


Hi @apjvinod ,

Is there a way to make paginated reports visible immediately after publishing, and then have them scheduled to run automatically once the schedule is successful?
