Parameter filter URL accion


Is it possible to add 2 fields as filters, in the same “action URL”? I try to do this but it doesn’t work:
#p.RUTA=<<{Ruta LBO}>> or <<{Ruta CUN}>>

Yes, I have this working. make sure your name follows the naming convention.
e.g. column / variable name can’t have space in the,


Hi @chgamez, Need additional clarity on your use case here. Are you trying to use column values from your visual in the url action or you are using parameters in the url action? In the example url you shared it looks like you are using column value form the visual. Also it looks like you have an or condition in the url. Can you elaborate a bit on that as well?


Hello Karthik.

I am trying to use a column <<{Ruta LBO}>> or <<{Ruta CUN}>>, I try to do the “URL” action depending on the value of the cell in the column

Hello @chgamez, I think to accomplish this action you will actually need 2 different actions on the visual. You will first create a parameter for the URL, this will be a string value. Then, create a navigation action on the visual. Set it to navigate to the current sheet, and click the + next to Parameters.

Set the parameter value to the column that will contain the URL value. This can be used as a “Select” action and not a menu action.

Now create another action which will default to a menu action, set the Action type to URL action and make the URL the parameter that was set by the initial action. You can do this by selecting the 3 dots next to the URL. This should give you the result you are expecting!

“set the Action type to URL action and make the URL the parameter that was set by the initial action.”
When I have done as stated above, adding the parameter to URL section, it is giving me an error that ‘Only http, https, and mailto url schemes are supported.’