Percent of total for a distinct count and calcualte as group down

I only see percent of total table calculation for aggregate as count but not in distinct count in a pivot table. I want % of total grouped by {Deployment Status}
Is there a work around to achieve this? I used something like this but results are not right
distinctCountOver({Serial Id}, [{Deployment Status}], PRE_AGG)/distinctCountOver({Serial Id}, , PRE_AGG)

Hi @bethasb

Your approach seems right. Can you give some details of the output you get and what your desired output is so we can review and comment?


Thanks for the reply.

For region APMEA Cluster AKL I want the defect percent of total to be 7/11*100 = 63.63.
But when I use the calculated field it says invalid syntax.

Hi @bethasb,
It’s been awhile since last communication on this thread, were you able to find a work around or are you still encountering issues?

Were you receiving an invalid syntax error from this calculated field that you tried?
distinctCountOver({Serial Id}, [{Deployment Status}], PRE_AGG)/distinctCountOver({Serial Id}, [] , PRE_AGG)

Or were you just receiving incorrect results? The syntax seems accurate on that so if you were receiving incorrect results, I wonder if it has something to do with you not partitioning by your date field as well? Maybe try adding that.

In regards to the percentage, instead of adding the *100, try adding in the table calculation on it’s own:

Let us know if you have any additional questions, if we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.

Thank you!