Pivot with dynamic value of parameter - right calculations with wrong view

I have an analysis with pivot table and 3 parameters: scope, time, value.
Calculations are working perfectly according to the value of parameters.
Data view is not working as expected: I need to see only the scope selected and only the time selected. Right not are visible all the dimensions.

I have tried to hide the other dimensions but the result is: dimension hidden but value repeated like the dimension would be still visible.
I have tried also to remove dimensions but i’ve got error in the dashboard.

I’ve created my analysis starting from this example that’s exactly what I need for my analysis but i cannot properly replicate it.
[https://democentral.learnquicksight.online/#Dashboard-TipsAndTricks-Interactivity-Dynamic-Dimensions-and-Measures 443](https://democentral.learnquicksight.online/#Dashboard-TipsAndTricks-Interactivity-Dynamic-Dimensions-and-Measures 443)

Here my data

Dynamic scope could be: site, node, country
Dynamic time could be: week, month
Dynamic measure is the value according to parameter selected(week-site, week-month, node-site, …)
If i select as scope=node, time=week calculation are fine(sum over node aggregate per week) but the pivot rows show the repetition of node for each sites
The same happened with value country and value month
Hide dimension(country,node,site, week,month): will not fix it (I’ve got the same rows)
Remove dimensions(country,node,site, week, month): will report error (see below)

Any idea about how to fix it? Thx

Solved creating a new analysis by scratch