PowerShell "Start-QSAssetBundleImportJob" cmdlet - how to populate parameters


Have successfully written CLI commands to export/import QuickSight resources using the “bundle” commands, e.g.

aws quicksight start-asset-bundle-export-job --aws-account-id <id>
–asset-bundle-export-job-id 1234 --resource-arns <arn>
–include-all-dependencies --export-format QUICKSIGHT_JSON

Am now converting these to use PowerShell Cmdlets, e.g.

Start-QSAssetBundleExportJob -AssetBundleExportJobId 1234
-AwsAccountId -IncludeAllDependency 1
-ResourceArn -ExportFormat QUICKSIGHT_JSON

For the corresponding “import” cmdlet - “Start-QSAssetBundleImportJob” - I am not sure how to handle the “override” parameters, e.g. “-OverrideParameters_DataSource”. The type is “<AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverrideParameters>”.

For the “aws quicksight start-asset-bundle-import-job” equivalent, I have created a JSON file containing the override parameters, and use the “–override-parameters” parameter to point to this JSON file. This is straightforward.

Could someone please point me in the right direction for how to populate a PowerShell parameter to pass to the “<AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverrideParameters>” parameter of the “Start-QSAssetBundleImportJob” cmdlet? Can JSON be used in some way?

Many thanks in advance,


Hey @Neil !

I would check out the docs below:

Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your reply.
Your first link relates to Java. I’m working with PowerShell on Windows.

I’ve made some progress today. If I get it working I will upload the outline of the solution.



Here is an outline solution.


  1. The “AWS.Tools.QuickSight” module is installed.
  2. “$OverrideParametersFilename” is a script parameter which points to a JSON file containing Data Source override parameters in the following format:

“DataSourceId”:“Id value”,
“Bucket”:“Bucket Name”,
“Key”:“Key Name containing name of manifest file”

Script code:

Import-Module AWS.Tools.QuickSight

Read JSON file for containing override parameters.

$OverrideParametersFile = Get-Content -Path $OverrideParametersFilename -Raw | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json

Initialise array.

[Amazon.QuickSight.Model.AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverrideParameters] $DataSourcesOverrideParameters = @()

Loop through each Data Source.

foreach ($DataSource in $OverrideParametersFile.DataSources)
$DataSourceOverrideParameters = [Amazon.QuickSight.Model.AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverrideParameters]::new()

$DataSourceOverrideParameters.DataSourceId = $DataSource.DataSourceId
$DataSourceOverrideParameters.DataSourceParameters = [Amazon.QuickSight.Model.DataSourceParameters]::new()
$DataSourceOverrideParameters.DataSourceParameters.S3Parameters = [Amazon.QuickSight.Model.S3Parameters]::new()
$DataSourceOverrideParameters.DataSourceParameters.S3Parameters.ManifestFileLocation = [Amazon.QuickSight.Model.ManifestFileLocation]::new()
$DataSourceOverrideParameters.DataSourceParameters.S3Parameters.ManifestFileLocation.Bucket = $DataSource.DataSourceParameters.S3Parameters.ManifestFileLocation.Bucket
$DataSourceOverrideParameters.DataSourceParameters.S3Parameters.ManifestFileLocation.Key = $DataSource.DataSourceParameters.S3Parameters.ManifestFileLocation.Key

$DataSourcesOverrideParameters += $DataSourceOverrideParameters


“$DataSourcesOverrideParameters” can then be passed to the “OverrideParameters_DataSource” parameter of the “Start-QSAssetBundleImportJob” cmdlet.

Similar code can be written to populate parameters for the override permissions.

Hope the above will be useful for someone.