Download the dataset on github here → on the github page, click the download button to get the raw file onto your desktop
This dataset contains anonymous dummy data on education demographical data from student test scores. The fields include:
- roll_num: identifies unique student answers
- gender: either female or male
- race_ethnicity: Anonymous groupings from A-E
- parental_level_education: ranges from high school to master’s degree
- lunch: binary, 1 for brings their own lunch, 0 otherwise (buys lunch at school, part of school lunch discount program). Used as a socioeconomic indicator
- test_preparation: binary, 1 for yes they took a test prep course and 0 otherwise
- test scores: numerical score for math, reading, science, writing, and total (sum of all scores for an individual student report)
- grade: letter grade received overall, from A-F
(It will look something like this)