Presenting a clearer period vs last period comparison in a table

I need to produce the following period definition on Quicksight, using a date filter:

Comparable Period Definition

  • If day reporting has been chosen, it should report a day vs the same date last year
  • If week reporting has been chosen, it should report the week vs the same week last year
  • If month reporting has been chosen, it should report the month vs the same month last year ((or MTD if the date selection is a partial month)
  • If year reporting has been chosen, it should report the year vs the previous year (or YTD if the date selection is a partial year)

I implemented the following formula:

periodOverPeriodLastValue(distinct_count({account_name}), createddate, MONTH, 12)

I would like to see a clearer comparison of month versus month. Having a length table as above is difficult to really see the difference. Is there any other way to present the information for period vs last period in QS ?

How can I do the same for day, week, month and year ?


Hi Dinesh! A few examples of how you can do time comparisons is available on our DemoCentral site.

You can interact with this published dashboard. If you hover over the top right corner, you will see a bar chart with a pencil icon appear. If you select that icon, it will take you to the analysis view so you can see how it was built.