Providing custom reporting solutions to the users

I want to create reporting solutions using Quicksight and React. All the data for reporting would be flattened and stored in the s3 bucket for various customers. The structure of the data in S3 bucket could be something like this > s3://reporting-spoution/customer-asdfasf987jhyue and for another customer, it would be s3://reporting-spoution/customer-bhadfasdadsf987jhyue.

How can I authorize the user and access the data which belongs to him and then visualize that data using QuickSight?


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Hi @AmitCoastr - Welcome to AWS QuickSight community and thanks for posting the question. If you have one report which will contain all data, then you can use RLS which will filter the data w.r.t users. Please see the RLS details in the link - Using row-level security (RLS) with user-based rules to restrict access to a dataset - Amazon QuickSight

We have a monthly Q&A Session of QuickSight today, Please register and we can discuss more on this requirement as well. Please find the link below.

Regards - Sanjeeb


Thanks @Sanjeeb2022

I am actually planning to provide our multitenant user access to QuickSight report using our custom domain. And the data for each multitenant user will be stored and processed using aws glue and processed data will be stored on Redshift.

What I am not sure about is how can i authenticate and authorize the user so that the user can have only the data access for which he is authorized. And the user should be able to create the ad-hoc reports and save it / share them internally.


Hi @AmitCoastr

You would use row level security and only give the user access to datasets that are locked down by row level security. Here is more information on RLS.

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