Answers generated from Webex transcript and chat interactions
Q: How do you enable the Executive Summary function? I do not see that on my Quicksight instance.
A: If you go to the upper right hand corner of your dashboard to the profile icon, there should be a “preview manager” section. Click on that and toggle on the generative features. But the analysis must also have the generative features turned on before publishing the dashboard. So the author of the dashboard must make sure to checkbox those features before they publish the dashboard so their end users can use the genBI capabilities
Q: How does AI insights differ from the ML features (prediction, anomalies) in Quicksight today?
A: Uh, so the machine learning and anomaly detection features, what we had before was a Pre built a model which is limited to performing certain amount of predictability based on the weightage. Whereas this is integrating with the large language models that is available on publicly available language models on bedrock where it constantly enhances based on the user experience. So it has a completely a different experience. So, based on the use of prompt has asked it to translate that particular string into query and generate results based out of it whereas the previous email anomaly, or fix the models that is based on the vintage of data points available, it generates the forecast and tries to identify the outliers from the from the, from the dataset that you have today.
Q: Does Q have the capabilities to create interactive dashboard features such as parameters to update multiple visuals at once?
A: So today not with that but you can create a parameter manually and add it to the multi sheet uh, not to the multi dashboard, but multi sheets and use a parameter as a common control across.
Q: I have utilized the Topics function and Stories. I’m finding that the data need to be very organized for max effectiveness. My question is this: Do you have plans on allowing Stories to be exportable? I would love to be able to configure my daily reports with daily anecdotal information automatically without having to spend time doing the analysis?
A: Uh, so, let me do the plans to allowing stories to be exportable. I would love to be able to configure. So, um, yeah, that’s an interesting ask. Currently we don’t have information. I can check with the product team and, uh, if not, we can open it as a for product feature request and we can share more information in the future calls.
Q: Is the feedback shared with the dashboard authors?
A: Yes. When the feedback somebody’s entered authors have a Q topic management screen where they can review those feedback information, uh, under it also has information from which reader the feedback asking from. So, others can reach out and, uh, understand what exactly the readers are looking for and start enhancing those topics.
Q: Apologies if I missed this, but does using Amazon Q require us to re-engineer the existing datasets of dashboards? I was trying to use this feature but was not letting me do anything
A: Thing, so, uh, uh, somewhere to use the, um, new feature, all you need to do is currently this on preview. 1st, you need to turn on the preview feature, uh, using the user profile icon on the top right now you will see the preview manager, uh, and turn on the feature and followed by that. Just open the topic that you already have and re index it once you re-index, it translates into a Q topic. And once that is, uh, re, indexed and, uh, our topic is recreated, you can start using all these features.
Q: I have used Q , On same dataset one time it was loaded in Athena, one time it was in Excel. Does this changes the insight? same question – didn’t work for me when were working when my dataset on Athena
A: So I think what we need to do is like when you see the two different, you need to check the two different data set to make sure because when you set up the Q topic import from the data set in the Q topic, there’s some configuration such as simple name. Um suggest some record named entity, so two different topic can have different configuration. I think if you’ve asked the same question, then you got different answer. This would be something that you can check on the quicksight Q topic because it can be different configurations in the Q topic rather than the data source. Another possibility can be the data in this two data source is different. Say whatever is but whatever it is Athena or Excel then it it doesn’t matter if the configuration or the data is the same. And another question is what other export capability capabilities of Q then actually is the quicksight dashboard. So like when you ask the question in Q then Q responds like a bar chart pie chart table etc. Then you can export the answers from there. So like when you come to a dashboard, when you come to the the table or bar chart different result, there is also a option for you to export, so quicksight is basically the same, same thing that you can export the, the data from there.
Q: Is there a way to test Q without having to pay the 250 Euro monthly fee? Like a trial period?
A: So for the, for the trial period like when you when you 1st register, that should have a 30 days trial period, then, yeah, should be the should be the same when you 1st register your your quick site account, there are 30 days trial period. When you come to Q topic, then there’s a, there’s a trial button, you can click on the trial button then you’ll be available for 30 days, and also I will suggest you, um, to check with your AWS account manager because, um, they can help. They can have to, uh, work with you together. They can have on this area. Like, for example, if the trial period is not enough, or you want longer, or you want something half of the amount the pricing, then this is something that I think they can help.