Q&A from the Live session | So, What is Pixel Perfect Reporting?

Answers generated from Webex transcript and chat interactions

Q: Can we export it in PDF as well?
A: Yes, you can. Yeah, so we support the pixel perfect reports to be exported as PDF CSV, and Excel. So all three supports.

Q: do recipients have to be provisioned users in quicksight?
A: Yeah, for the scheduled use case, the users have to be provisioned within quicksight. The primary reason for that is all the scheduled outputs do honor role level and column level security as well as dynamic default parameters. So effectively what that means is that you should only see Washington State as an example, we could configure that on the data set level and then when the scheduled email goes out, even though the data contains all 50 states, you will only receive a slice of that data for the state of Washington. So this allows us to create that mapping between the provisioned user, their email address, as well as the security permission that should go with them. The APIs on the other hand, they’re designed to be supporting anonymous users because we’re dropping the generated artifact or snapshot in in the customer S3 bucket, we don’t necessarily need to know whom it’s gonna be sent out to or how it’s gonna be sent out. So there we don’t require any user ID or ARM. We would rather just have the files get generated and then from there they can distribute that or email that to anybody that they choose.

Q: Can we compare multiple WBRs here? Thats comparing current WBR with the previous WBR numbers?
A: These outputs at the moment are designed to be just PDF outputs so they’re static in nature, so there’s no dynamic comparison option.
But within pixel perfect reporting itself, the comparison model would ideally be suited at the moment for interactive sheet use cases where they’re able to potentially use a time dimension or a period over a period comparison to be able to kind of create that. But, the outputs as I’ll probably show right now are static PDF outputs, snapshots.

Q: Can we automate report report production and distribution for 1,000’s of reports at a time? What would be the limitations to distribution scale?
A: Right now we have a limit of being able to send it to 5000 unique recipients per schedule. There is a limit, soft limit of five schedules per dashboard that you can create. And, from an API perspective, again, there’s a soft limit of concurrency as well as the number of jobs that you can submit. For larger use cases, we are working with, customers on a one on one basis to be able to support larger outputs and larger throughput examples as well.

Q: Is the row level security feature in prod now, or is that also coming soon?
A: So that’s already an existing capability. So if the role level security and column level of security is set up on the data set level, at the time of scheduling, we automatically look at the security permissions and security configuration there to, like in my example, only send you a Washington State data, so it’s already there.

Q: This feature (paginated report) is charged in addition to the enterprise regular license… Is there a demo where I can test the feature with my own data?
A: Yeah, good question. So in regards to pricing and I didn’t talk about that, the pixel perfect reporting is a separate add on. There are two different plans. There’s a monthly plan at $500 a month or there’s an annual plan at $2000 a month, with an annual commitment for one year. The way it works is that the, outputs here, are charged based on report units, and they’re charged in increments of, every hundred pages. So in this particular example, I’ve generated 39 page output, so that would have consumed one report unit. So in the monthly plan, for $500, you get 500 report units and for the annual plan for $2000, you get 4000 report units. If you are interested in pixel perfect reporting and you have larger use cases, feel free to reach out to your quicksight service rep or your account manager or to us directly and we can definitely have a conversation about larger scale and supporting those type of use cases. So the the nice thing is the, the, this particular add on is not based on users or based on any other kind of factor. It is truly based on consumption. So the more reports you generate, the more port units you consume, so that’s kind of the the pricing model in a nutshell.