Is there a way to apply filtering to a named entity? I can’t find a ton of documentation around named entities, but for what there is I don’t see any way to apply filtering. I know I can create filter fields for the topic, but it doesn’t appear that these are applied to the named entites.
For example, I want to create two named entities for Organizations - one for domestic organizations and one for international. Both named entites will consist of the same data fields, but should display a different subset of the underlying data from the Organizations table.
Hi @ltaylor,
Currently, there’s not a filter option for the named entities, rather they should be sorted depending on the question you ask. Do you have a field that identifies if each organization is either domestic or international? If you include ‘international’ in your question, you should receive only international organizations in your response. I know what you mean though as I’ve had some difficult instances where the named entity portion isn’t filtering the way I’d like.
I think that would be a great additional feature so that it can add more versatility to the additional visual responses that are received so I’ll mark this as a feature request.
Okay, I think that makes sense - so basically, going with the example here, include the “Type” field on the Named Entity and then I should only see Organizations with a Type of International.
Definitely it would be good to have some more flexibility on this so thank you for marking it as a feature request, but it’s good to know there’s a basic work-around! Thanks for the response, I will mark that as a solution.