Question about data filter

Hi, I have a question: I created a display in SQL that shows a large number of indicators in a table, my question is how do I allow the user to filter some of the indicators - not a filter of the values ​​but of the indicators themselves (according to their title) so that he can display which indicators he needs , does anyone know of such a possibility? Maybe using some parameter? The thing is that my view is not in the form of: a column of indices and another column of their values ​​- and so I can filter by the column of indices but in the form of the title of index 1 and its values ​​in the column, the title of index 2 and its values ​​in the column, etc.
If you need further explanation I can send a screenshot of my display,
Thank you very much

Hi @jmetair
can you please share more details?
what you have and what you want to achiev?

I’ll explain myself: suppose I have a table like this

value period
4421 monthly 1
521 yearly 2
6555 yearly 3
444 yearly 4
778 monthly 5

So I can easily take the period column and make it a filter for the whole table, but what happens when my table is like this:

yearly monthly
521 778 1
6555 442 2
444 214 3

And this is the case with me. How can I define a filter that will show me the yearly or monthly data or both together - according to the user’s choice?
Thanks in advance

Hi @jmetair

so you want to have a filter (yearly,monthly) and a table showing only one of them?

e.g. yearly

yearly value
521 1
6555 2
444 3

maybe something like


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Thank you very much for the answer, I will check there

Hi @jmetair,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you, did you have any additional questions regarding your post?

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.

Thank you!

Hi @jmetair,
Since we haven’t heard back, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new post in the community and link this discussion for relevant information if needed.

Thank you!