Quick date-range filters

I have a dashboard filtered for date range by StartDate & EndDate parameters
I want to add to the date selection control the option for quick date filters- “This Week”, “This Month”, “Last Month”, etc’
Is there a way to dynamically inject dates into my parameters based on a selected option in a control?

Hi @Yuval.Shiboli,

If you want your readers to select a relative date, is there a reason why you want to use a date range filter? Why not use a relative date filter instead?

This is how control will look like with a relative date filter:

If you need to keep the date range filter, you can still add a second filter for relative dates. Your readers just won’t see any data if the relative dates that they select in the control fall outside of the date range specified in the first filter.


Hi @David_Wong ,
I wasn’t even aware that it existed.
Thanks! It works great for me!

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