QuickSight analysis deployment from Test account to Prod account

I am using these API calls to deploy analysis from Test account to Prod account

  1. Create template in TEST account
    aws quicksight create-template --aws-account-id --template-id --source-entity file://<template_create.json>
  2. Share template in TEST account to PROD account
    aws quicksight update-template-permissions --aws-account-id --template-id --grant-permissions file://<template_share.json>
  3. Create analysis in PROD account
    aws quicksight create-analysis --aws-account-id --analysis-id --name “” --source-entity file://<analysis_create.json>
  4. Share analysis in PROD account
    aws quicksight update-analysis-permissions --cli-input-json file://<analysis_share.json>

When there is change(s) to analysis in Test account, I perform the following. Is it correct?
delete-template, (1), (2) in Test account
delete-analysis, (3), (4) in Prod account

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Hello @lbl, I think the preferred process would be to update the template in the Test account (that way you do not need to keep sharing a new template to the Prod account), and then just use the template ID to update the analysis in the Prod account. That makes more sense to pass the changes between each account. I’ll provide links to some documentation below:

Let me know if you have any questions!