I am using these API calls to deploy analysis from Test account to Prod account
- Create template in TEST account
aws quicksight create-template --aws-account-id --template-id --source-entity file://<template_create.json> - Share template in TEST account to PROD account
aws quicksight update-template-permissions --aws-account-id --template-id --grant-permissions file://<template_share.json> - Create analysis in PROD account
aws quicksight create-analysis --aws-account-id --analysis-id --name “” --source-entity file://<analysis_create.json> - Share analysis in PROD account
aws quicksight update-analysis-permissions --cli-input-json file://<analysis_share.json>
When there is change(s) to analysis in Test account, I perform the following. Is it correct?
delete-template, (1), (2) in Test account
delete-analysis, (3), (4) in Prod account