Quicksight developer needed

Hello All,
We are new to quicksight, have developed draft dashboards, but need to employ an experienced quicksight developer to a) create new visualizations with drill through functionality, b) format dashboard pages for a more professional look and feel, c) create web pages with embedded dashboards. Can you please recommend developers or the best place to look for quicksight developers for hire ? Thank you.

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Hi @riskarmsadmin - Thanks for the details. I have some connect and will message you.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Hello @riskarmsadmin, I am glad you were able to connect with @Sanjeeb2022. I will go ahead and archive this topic. If you need any further information or assistance, please post a new topic in the community. That will ensure you are at the top of the priority list for a response from one of our QuickSight experts. Thank you!