Quicksight embedding url with api-gateway caching

When I turn on Api-Gateway caching, embedding URL(for registered users) API returns the same string until caching is expired. It would work usually but not with embedding URL as it’s just for one-time use. So, I get this

Can both work together?

Since I’m using graphql, there is only one entry point like /grapqhl. Thus, it’s either on or off. By turning off , I lose cach performance in Api-Gw which is not the best practice. By turning it on, all queries will be cached including QS embedding url query which will work only once.

@tbdori ,
I don’t believe this can work together since the QuickSight embedding URL is a one-time URL which is to be used within 5 minutes of generation. So any subsequent usage of the dashboard at a later time would mean your application has to make another API call to get the latest URL .

Kind regards,