QuickSight metrics

I joined Amazon recently and start working on projects to improve by BI team daily activities. By doing that I’m now trying to build metrics for the objects from QuickSight that are managed by my team AWS account, those metrics would be about dashboard and analysis usage, quantity of objects managed, lineage of these objects, etc…

By doing it I start working with two possible solutions, using CloudTrail or CloudWatch. The first one I’m studying the following blog post and would like to have some feedback about it (Building an administrative console in Amazon QuickSight to analyze usage metrics | AWS Big Data Blog). And for the last one, opened the CloudWatch but they show only 15 of 88 dashboards on the metrics and logs.

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Hello @guilopec, this is definitely something we have seen a few users ask about. That documentation you have for CloudTrail is the best resource I have found with information on using it for QuickSight assets. As for the CloudWatch logs, I am curious as to why only 15 dashboards would be appearing. Is there any chance that those have these options selected in the share dashboard console and the others don’t?

Also, this is a bit of an older topic, but there was some information shared here about some of the ways other users have tried to get more information about dashboard usage.

There still is not a ton of out-of-the-box functionality available for tracking user activities in QuickSight, but I hope this helps!

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Did this solution work for you? I am marking this reply as, “Solution,” but let us know if this is not resolved. Thanks for posting your questions on the QuickSight Community!

I still didn’t tested yet, but there is a way to enable all dashboards for those access or I would to do manually one by one?

I will perform the test today!

I identified the dashboards that are available on the CloudWatch and they were not necessary enabled as you sent in the screenshot.

Hello @guilopec, unfortunately, you will likely have to add them individually from the QuickSight console. Have you noticed them appearing in CloudWatch after making that update?

Hi Dylan, some of them did the others didn’t.

But I think enabling access to everyone in the account wouldn’t be the best option, since other internal customers use the same account with their individual roles. That way, they would have access to each other’s objects. I’m thinking that applying the architecture on the link I sent previously is really the only proper way I found. But that would imply other issues regarding maintenance, because another team of my ORG manages the AWS account.

Hello @guilopec, is it possible that the dashboards are stored in different namespaces or regions and CloudWatch is only targeting dashboards in one of them? Also, you can also check using the ListDashboards command to see which of your dashboards are appearing for you there.

It seems like the issue is either associated with permissions or where the dashboards are located within the account.

Hi @DylanM, the dashboards are stored at the same regions and namespaces. And when I a run the ListDashboards on CloudShell I get all the 88 dashboards, not only the 15 that are available on CloudWatch so I think the account has the access to their data, but still they don’t show on CloudWatch.

Hello @guilopec, I would recommend filing a case with AWS Support where we can
dive into the details so that we can help you further. Here are the steps to open a support case. If your company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account. They should be able to open an AWS Support case on your behalf.

I’ll also check and see if I can find any more information on my end, but AWS Support will have more resources to assist you directly. I hope this helps!

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Hello @guilopec, something else I just thought about. Is it possible that the remaining dashboards have not been interacted with since the CloudWatch logs were implemented? It may not be displaying them because it hasn’t tracked any user data/interactions associated with those dashboards.

Unfortunately not! The CloudWatch Logs were implemented in 2022, and more then half of the 88 were used in the last 12 months.

Hi Dylan, my own ORG manages the AWS account and I have access to some of the roles there. I will see if I can contact the support directly or raise an internal ticket as you said.

Thank you for your support!!

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