Quicksight.start_dashboard_snapshot_job mandates Pixel Perfect Add-on for PDF but the documentation doesn't state that

Hi Experts,

I am trying to create PDF export/snapshot of a quicksight dashboard OnDemand but when I use quicksight.start_dashboard_snapshot_job and try to run the job it errors out with the following

Error starting dashboard snapshot job: An error occurred (UnsupportedPricingPlanException) when calling the StartDashboardSnapshotJob operation: This API action is supported only when the account has an active paginated reports add-on plan.
Failed to start snapshot job: An error occurred (UnsupportedPricingPlanException) when calling the StartDashboardSnapshotJob operation: This API action is supported only when the account has an active paginated reports add-on plan

This indicated that it requires Pixel Perfect add on however the documentation page doesn’t indicate that. Additionally, if I don’t use OnDemand and just schedule a job (daily or monthly or something else) PDF format doesn’t mandate Pixel Perfect add On.

It appears that this mandate is at odds with the normal working of the product.

Please let me know if I am doing something incorrect?

Hi @gaurmalh,

This API is related only to Pixel Perfect reports so it requires to have this feature enabled as it mentions in the error message.

For creating one page PDFs, you are already engaging in this post, so I will leave this one open for reference of the error.

Kind regards,