RDS Dataset Refresh Stuck in Progress

Have 10-12 tables in Amazon RDS using which I am trying to create a dataset (via joining them). However, the created dataset doesn’t refresh values and after a couple of hours of giving the status ‘in progress’ against Refresh Status, it just fails. Any thoughts on why this happens and how to solve it? Thanks.

Hi @nelson
did you check RDS logs?
Are you creating several dataset in QS and join the datasets or creating a single dataset with all the tables?

Hi @nelson - Welcome to AWS QuickSight and thanks for posting the question. Can you please ensure the below details.

  1. There is no M:M relationship between tables. This may create cartesian join which in turn generate large number of rows and it create the performance issues.
  2. If you have many data sets and try to join in QS an its taking time, possibly its timing out. Can you create sql for all tables with joins and execute it in sql client to see the sql execution time.
  3. If the sql is taking time, you can think of put filter and work with less volume ( although it depends upon the requirement).

I will suggest you check the cardinality of the tables and if possible test the sql before trying to execute it in QS.

Regards - Sanjeeb

Hi @nelson,

Checking in. We have not heard back from you regarding your question. We’d still like to help. If we do not hear back in the next 3 days, we will archive the question.

Arun Santhosh
Pr QuickSight SA