Redshift serverless as data source

Hi. Can we access Redshift Serverless from Quicksight? If so, how to create a data source to redshift serverless in quicksight? RedShift cluster has username/password but serverless works with workgroups. Thanks.

These are the only two available now.

I don’t believe the serverless version is in quicksight yet. I can mark it as a feature request.


Thanks. I had seen them. Please mark it as feature request.


You can connect to redshift serverless. Process is same as connecting to Redshift cluster, the host name will change and if you have private vpc, you need to allow traffic for quicksight IPs.

to connect, the hostname/endpoint is needed.

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@ajmeraj What should be used as username/password? RedShift API works with workgroups. Using Admin access does not seem suitable for a readonly access.

Any redshift user creds should work fine

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@quickmeso ,

I’m marking @ajmeraj 's response as solution to your question. Adding that you can use the Manual connect variant to configure the connection and that you can create a non admin user in Redshift for connecting from QuickSight (CREATE USER - Amazon Redshift).

Arun Santhosh

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