Refuse to connect error when Quicksight dashboard is embedded into the application portal

Hello Quicksight Team,

We are in the process of evaluating Quicksight for our custom reporting application.
So we have started doing a POC where we have a standard AWS account and we have started using the Quicksight service with a free tier and built few test dashboards and we have embeded one of the Quicksight dashboard into our internal application and we did allowed the domain in quicksight to have access. But we are running into the below issue:

When we click on the link in our application portal we get the following error: refused to connect.

So i have tried another option of access the QS dashboard from my local laptop by creating a index.html and added the dashboard embeded code in the html page and when i open the html page on my local laptop i do get the same error.
I did allowed my local IP address in the QS portal as well to allow traffic.

I have few questions:

  1. With the free trail quicksight account - Is it possible to embed the QS dashboard in our application portal for a POC purpose
  2. Do we need to buy some extra license in order to embed the QS dashboard into our applicaton portal for a POC purpose
  3. could you please provide few inputs on what other things i need to check in order to fix this issue.

Appreciate your inputs on this.

Have you given permission for the caller identity to get the dashboard?