I am following this embedding tutorial, but instead of with an anonymous user, I am modifying it for registered users.
I am a bit confused on the outcome. I thought I would be the only user to see the dashboard but others can see if I send them the link, am I missing something here? If anyone could help me understand.
Yes, I have checked this resource thank you. The output of my GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser call successfully outputs a link but anyone with that link is able to see the dashboard. I provided my user arn, and my collague was still able to see the dashboard. I also tested if a non-registered user could access/view the dashboard from the url and they could. Not sure why this is happening
Hi @mitoo,
There are different permissions that need to be setup for registered embedding as opposed to anonymous embedding so I would suggest against following one for anonymous and then modifying.
Here is an overall guide to embedding; there’s a hands-on workshop for registered user-based embedding that you can look into as well as other guides and documentation that will help walk you through the process.
I’ve also included a link below to a QuickSight Learning Series that takes a deep dive in to all things embedding.